About Me

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Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Hi ~I am Alice Lin. I graduated from National Hsinchu Girl’s Senior High School. I study in National Chengchi University (Taipei, Taiwan). I major in risk management and insurance. I have a lot of hobbies, including reading novels, watching TV and movies, singing songs…… Maybe I'll write about some novels or movies in Alice's new world:) I like music better. However, in order to practice my English, I will write about movies and novels, which is more challenging for me.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

These Years

I know it’s not proper to talk about romance in our homework. But seeing that this is my blog, I think it is okay to write about a book I like. This time I write about a Chinese novel because I didn’t read any translated fiction this and last months. The biggest problem when talking about a Chinese novel is I don’t know how to call it. So…… I just give it a simple name” These Years.”

Not to let you down after reading my post, I need to tell you the truth. “These Years” is not“These Happy Years”. If you like happily ever after, I think you best go to someone else’s blog instead.

“These Years” is a story talked about a girl’s student life. From her miserable elementary school to better junior high and to the glorious senior high. The book shows the change of the girl, and the things she got and lost.

It’s not easy to read this book. “These Years” is usually in a blue atmosphere. When I read a chapter, I must take a rest. Due to the sadness in this, I often feel gloomy. But this is the best book I’ve ever seen that meet the reality so pertinent. I’ll read it again and again to make myself recall that the world is not a fairy tale.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that you can write more about this book to let me know,please. I think young doesn't always means happiness. Some people have a sorrow story when they are young. Are you always happy no matter what age you are? Every one have something sorrow.
