About Me

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Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Hi ~I am Alice Lin. I graduated from National Hsinchu Girl’s Senior High School. I study in National Chengchi University (Taipei, Taiwan). I major in risk management and insurance. I have a lot of hobbies, including reading novels, watching TV and movies, singing songs…… Maybe I'll write about some novels or movies in Alice's new world:) I like music better. However, in order to practice my English, I will write about movies and novels, which is more challenging for me.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Boy’s Life

Last week, I already become crazy due to the midterm exam. I think most of you did the same thing as what I have done. You know, whenever we have something bothered us and made us collapse, we always want to escape from reality. This time when I evaded, I hid myself in the plot of a novel called Boy’s Life.

I read the book when I was still a senior high school student. This book is so amazing that you don’t know what kind of book you should classify it. As far as I am concerned, Boy’s Life is a suspense novel, a science fiction, and also an inspirational fiction. This is one of my favorite books because of the multiple aspects it has. Whenever I recall it, I always remember the emotion when I read it. Fear, anxiety, anger, relief……are what I feel in this book. I really recommend you to buy this book.  If you read it, then you’ll learn that there is a broaden boundary you could explore from novel.

1 comment:

  1. HI:
    Due to i dont know which classmate should i pick to reply, so i pick the first one instead><. Novels.....well, i am not fanatic in reading novels, but i have seen one that really caught my sight, which is, Twilight. The novel and the movie are both intriguing and appealing. I love the male chracter edward sullen, he is so handsome and indifferent on the outside but warm and touching inside him. All the characters in the novel are acting so real makes me really want to join their world though i know it is only a story. After the midterm, wish you have fun as a nccu student!!!
