About Me

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Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan
Hi ~I am Alice Lin. I graduated from National Hsinchu Girl’s Senior High School. I study in National Chengchi University (Taipei, Taiwan). I major in risk management and insurance. I have a lot of hobbies, including reading novels, watching TV and movies, singing songs…… Maybe I'll write about some novels or movies in Alice's new world:) I like music better. However, in order to practice my English, I will write about movies and novels, which is more challenging for me.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Library War

Recently, I fall in love with the light novel written by Hiro Arikawa, a famous writer in Japan. I have read all books in the series, including Library War, Library Infighting, Library Crisis, Library Revolution and Supplement: Library War. Because the beginning of stories is the most attractive, the one I like most is obviously Library War.

 The story is about Japan in the future, in which people don’t care about the environment they live, their leading government and the right they have. As a result, people’s ignorance leads to a severe outcome, the government makes laws to restrict people’s rights in reading, writing and publishing. While when people find out that their rights are lost, it is too late to recover it. Don’t be so sad! To protect the books and the rights, an organization called armed anti-MBA defense force units are built to compete Media Betterment Act (MBA), an organization tries to confiscate all media deemed to be potentially harmful to Japanese society.

Iku Kasahara, the main character, is the first female soldier in base's Library Task Force, which has an elite group of soldiers. The reason she joins the Library Defense Force's Kanto Library Base is because she was rescued by a high ranking Kanto Library Defense Force member and she wants to be an "ally of justice" as the hero in her heart. The story is all about her life in the Library Defense Force's Kanto Library Base. The book combines romance, humor and war. It’s one of my favorite series. I really recommend it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Intouchables is a 2011 French comedy-drama film directed by Olivier Nakache and Eric Toledano. The film is the second biggest box office hit in France; it is also my favorite comedy. I regard myself as a person who always laughs out loud. But before I watched this movie, I didn’t think that I would laugh during the movie because the main character, Philippe, is a challenged person. However,what Philippe and his personal assistant, Driss, did to the police was beyond my expectation and was amazing

It is a story about a man, Driss, who only wants to get the subvention of unemployment. But
things were not going as he 
 in one of his interviews; the boss, Philippe, admired him and gave him a well-paid job. The job is to take care of Philippe who had no feelings except for his head. The reason why Philippe chose Driss was that Driss thought of Philippe as a real human, not a disability.
I regard it as my favorite comedy because it is a tragedy in my first sight. However, Driss’s action in the movie is so crazy that I would never do it. Driss’s help was not only funny but also touching. I also bought the original novel. Hope that it would be as great as the film.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

These Years

I know it’s not proper to talk about romance in our homework. But seeing that this is my blog, I think it is okay to write about a book I like. This time I write about a Chinese novel because I didn’t read any translated fiction this and last months. The biggest problem when talking about a Chinese novel is I don’t know how to call it. So…… I just give it a simple name” These Years.”

Not to let you down after reading my post, I need to tell you the truth. “These Years” is not“These Happy Years”. If you like happily ever after, I think you best go to someone else’s blog instead.

“These Years” is a story talked about a girl’s student life. From her miserable elementary school to better junior high and to the glorious senior high. The book shows the change of the girl, and the things she got and lost.

It’s not easy to read this book. “These Years” is usually in a blue atmosphere. When I read a chapter, I must take a rest. Due to the sadness in this, I often feel gloomy. But this is the best book I’ve ever seen that meet the reality so pertinent. I’ll read it again and again to make myself recall that the world is not a fairy tale.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Boy’s Life

Last week, I already become crazy due to the midterm exam. I think most of you did the same thing as what I have done. You know, whenever we have something bothered us and made us collapse, we always want to escape from reality. This time when I evaded, I hid myself in the plot of a novel called Boy’s Life.

I read the book when I was still a senior high school student. This book is so amazing that you don’t know what kind of book you should classify it. As far as I am concerned, Boy’s Life is a suspense novel, a science fiction, and also an inspirational fiction. This is one of my favorite books because of the multiple aspects it has. Whenever I recall it, I always remember the emotion when I read it. Fear, anxiety, anger, relief……are what I feel in this book. I really recommend you to buy this book.  If you read it, then you’ll learn that there is a broaden boundary you could explore from novel.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Alchemist

Yesterday, I went to listen to a lecture about being the master of our lives. The speaker gave such a wonderful speech that I recall a book I have loved since I was twelve. The book is titled The Alchemist, which was written by Paulo Coelho. He is a Brazilian lyricist land novelist, who is one of my favorite writers.
The Alchemist talks about how a boy find his real talent and true love, and how he change people’s life. I don’t want to talk much about this book. There is just one reason why I don’t want to talk about it; the book is so amazing that I don’t know how to start. To be honest, I think everyone in the world should buy it and at least read it five times, because The Alchemist deserve.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

P.S. I Love You

Last weekend, I watched a pretty famous movie called P.S. I love you. I think most people have heard about the touching and lovely movie. When I was a junior high school student, I read the same name book, P.S. I love you. In my memory, it was a miserable story and it made me cry for sadness. So when my roommate asked me if I wanted to watch the movie, I hesitated. But I thought I am five years older, maybe I would have totally different feelings to the movie this time.
                                         File:PS I Love You (film).jpg

This movie is about a woman called Holly who lost her husband, Gerry, because of a cancer. When Gerry died, Holly lived a bitter life. But that’s just the beginning. Gerry had left ten messages and a lot of amazement for his beloved wife since he knew that he got a cancer. These ten messages are all ending with "P.S. I Love You", which are not for Holly to keep tying to the past but to give her courage and send her on a new adventure. After the ten messages and the adventures, Holly regained her bravery and had the passion to pursue her new life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Swing Girls

        Recently, I watched a movie called Swing Girls. The movie was made in Japan. The
heroine is played by Ueno Juri, who is one of my favorite actresses because of her innocence. It is a story about a group of girls and a boy, which organized a rock band accidently. Although they were not totally willing to join the band at first, all of them tried their best to play the music in the end. 

I like Japanese movies not only because they are delicate but also because they are inspiring. Through the movie, we can learn a lot of things. For instance, never give up when we are pursuing our dreams,  and, it is never too late to find out our goals in life. Even if you are old, you still can make your dreams come true. Your life is all up to you.